Just read this on another social platform and I like it :blobcatgiggle:

"Mastodon doesn't have a quote function at all. The argument is that people should talk with each other and not about each other."


@stux Subposting still happens (*raises paw* we do it all the time privately), but!

@stux Honestly I kinda wonder what Masto would be like with quote-posts. Misskey apparently does have them.

@IceWolf Ahh yeah! Those come back as a "reply" here but with a link to the orignal post!

Soo it is a new post somehow.. I think we don't need it here :blobcatgiggle:

@IceWolf But it's different somehow :blobcatgiggle:

There's not some "famous" person with a gazillion followers who can "take over" your post for example

@stux Oh, huh, makes sense!

What's taking over your post? We've never used Twitter, so don't have any point of comparison.

I think there are /some/ locally-famous people (often instance admins), but they're not like, HUGE huge.

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