I had a pleasant call on my #pinephone braveheart edition earlier. I used my computer headset for the call and even though I only had mono audio it was a really clear call as far as the audio quality was concerned.

@doxxy How's the pinephone feeling to use, for y'all? We have one and it just feels unbearably sluggish at basic UI stuff. But we're also running KDE on it.

@IceWolf We're using majaro with posh right now. It runs as I'd expect a device with 2GB of ram in it to run. Also considering the state of the software when we first got it and how it works now it's amazing.

I can actually take pictures, send text messages, make phone calls, and use cellular data. All I needed was a phone that could make phone calls so this was an upgrade over my last since AT&T no longer supports phones without voLTE.

@IceWolf I am interested in getting a pinephone pro or at least the loraWAN case for my current braveheart.

@doxxy Yeah, we want a pro ourselves, hopefully it'll fix the performance since that's most of the issue we have with it right now (well the software is a bit buggy, but that'll improve).

@IceWolf It's a low bandwidth long range protocol thingy!

I'd love to setup like a lorawan router at home and be able to hit things on my home network from father away without relying on the internet.


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