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Continued.. was quite amused to see the representation of a LAN party with Windows XP machines. #mch2022

Emulation boxes to represent old machines that the public can have a play on without damaging the original hardware. Yes, there was a lot of small children on-site that could damage things, so this is quite considerate. I also doodled a raccoon on the Amiga #mch2022

Some more misc photos. An IT crowd poster on the side of the medical tent showing off one of the secret tokens you could find around the camp site. Miku is chilling out in the chaosfurs tent with the lamps. Another fire-breathing dragon and a beautiful shot of the sky. #mch2022

I won a shirt for being "button masher of the day" at the tent! Someone stuck the world of Techno bot in a toilet cubicle and tweeted it, so I printed that tweet and stuck it on the bot. Also, cheese tasting at the food hacking base! Delicious! #mch2022

Chilling out at the ChaosFurs tent, another blahaj has been added, and a classic IKEA shark too! (I forgot the name. #mch2022

A makeshift SDR setup, lots of string resembling lasers, pretty lights in the milliways tent and many meows. #mch2022

A very upset polycoin point that was thrown out behind the bar at the music stage #mch2022

More shots of the camp at night. I added one of my raccoons to the map by the docks. The polycoin map was still showing the EMF camp map which I found very amusing. #mch2022

A mini waffle kiosk was being pulled around the camp site, serving waffles with what looked like a bubble waffle maker. A tent that held the only love live cabinet in Europe, and TASBot (who would be live on stage the next day) #mch2022

Showing off my Taiko skills at the arcade tent, one of my favourite songs in the game to play, referred to in the English version as "SAITAMA 2000". #mch2022

Day 5! I printed off another sticker to stick on top of the sticker I printed for the world of Techno bot. Delicious crêpes were being served for breakfast in the MCF cluster and the local swans came out to say hello. #mch2022

Claiming my second button mashing prize at the tent since they couldn't find it the day before. Dumping some of my stickers onto the sticker pile at the infodesk and writing some positive post at the chaospost desk. #mch2022

A "car tent"

Yes this was completely normal.

For those out of the loop, if you couldn't bring a tent you could hire a tent called a "kartent", which was a cardboard tent shaped like a little house. Someone took one of the kartents and turned it into a vehicle. #mch2022

It's everybody's favourite song, being played through the mindstorm bot! #mch2022

TASBot takes the stage to demonstrate what it can do with Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64. #mch2022

A video demonstration of what TASBot is capable of, this was shown previously at a GDQ event but it was also fun to be able to see it shown live on-stage too. #mch2022

Someone hijacked the world of techno bot to play Mario music!!!! #mch2022

A friend attempted to send me some braille art of a raccoon through the chaos post system, it, uh, yeah. Random IP addresses were stuck on things around the campsite, bitcoin stickers were stuck on the bins and cats started appearing on the beam slides. #mch2022

I thought I could hear the world of techno bot in the CCC dome. Nope, it was a trick. It was the procedurally generated music being played through a laptop. I was fooled! #mch2022

Gasman performing "unsatisfactory pippin" live on the music stage. No technical difficulties this time! #mch2022

I have been informed by multiple people these "waffles" are actually called "poffertjes". I knew they had a specific name I just couldn't remember them!

A bonus encore performance from Gasman before the Symphony of Fire started. #mch2022

An incredible show of fire and Tesla coil music from the Symphony of Fire performance. I captured a lot of video from this but Twitter only allows 2:20. I will probably get the full recording up somewhere else later. #mch2022

More symphony of fire footage, this time with thunder! (wooooahoooohooooh) #mch2022

After Symphony of Fire finished I went for a bit of a wonder. Was greeted by the Little Tikes kart which was previously at Hacky Racers at EMF Camp. Ordered some chocomel from the bar, as one does in the Netherlands. Some very ominous lighting on the way to the docks. #mch2022

More photos from the docks, also doing a little bit of drone flying with a group from the ChaosFurs. #mch2022

A quick demo of how the silent rave operated. There were three audio channels being casted over FM and received by the headphones that were being handed out. You could switch channels any time you wanted with a switch. Sometimes the feed was hijacked with a rickroll. #mch2022

Day 6, the final day of MCH and the beginning of teardown. I did a voluntary chaos post shift! Another very long braille message turned up at the ChaosFurs tent. Wall socket stickers were being pasted onto tents, and the Taiko machine was out of order :( #mch2022

Some "Trans IPA", the Kartent graveyard, a very long label left at the waffle operation tent and Miku sitting on the H of the MCH sign before it was taken down. #mch2022

Back at the docks again, checking out "Fab Lab". I'd completely missed this during the time it was active since I didn't really go to the docks during the day. Maybe they'll be there again next time. #mch2022

A weird drum thing that was set up inside fab lab. It made funny noises when you put your hands around it. #mch2022

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