Metal Gear Solid? What, you think everyone else uses hollow plastic ones or something?


hey guys it's not an emergency but I'd be very glad if someone dropped me some money just to have something to eat today

thank youuu

@hyenikin @Patashu Hahahaha OOPS.

All that trouble Ylf went to implementing chunked transfer encoding? (I thought it was me but the git logs say Ylf. Huh.)

We /did not have "chunked_transfer_encoding off" in the config Nginx was using./

We could have avoided all that! :3

Of course, it is nice to have that implemented so you do not need to make server changes to use the software. Setting up the video server is already hard enough.

Not a huge fan of the new nearly-opaque background on the "present windows" effect. We like seeing our desktop. >,,>

Perhaps it would be worth filing a feature request or something for a setting to disable that background color overlay, and simply blur the wallpaper instead.

Argh, . Why can't we use the same SSH key on multiple accounts?

Multiple accounts does not always mean multiple computers; plurality is a thing.

... all we had to do was create that directory (and then run sudo /sbin/ifup eth0), and then it started working.

What the hell.

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"failed to open directory /etc/network/if-pre-up.d: No such file or directory"


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I had to tweak opensmtpd to let us send mail from the VPS to the VPS (which is our mail server) – it was getting stuck in an infinite loop trying to relay the message to itself. Putting "receive messages for us" before "relay outbound messages elsewhere" fixed that problem.

And adding an "us@domain" to /etc/aliases means we can now get mail from things like cron, I hope. :3

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

This is a private instance for us.