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Getting written up my first week on the job as a genie because I greet first-time lamp-holders with, "And now that everything has been restored to the way it was before, what is your third and final wish?"

i love beasts and creachers :freya_heart:

-- freya raccooncat :freya_heart:

"Well just switch OSes if Windows decides it'll no longer let you run it on your hardware!" feels... kinda ableist, to me?

Not everyone has the time or the spoons to switch. It's an Undertaking.

If you don't say what you mean, we assume you mean what you say.

So today I learned that @Ylfingr is 8 feet (2.4 meters) tall at the shoulders; quadrupedal.

He's sure a tall wolf, very good for giving a big fluffy hug or something alike ^w^


I don't believe liberal lies that taking guns will save lives.

Who do you think will take the guns? The police.

Who will lose their guns? It sure as hell won't be the Nazis, the ones who really *should not* have them. They are far too scared of pissing them off.

It will be the most vulnerable, those who need guns the most for *actual* protection against *actual* threats because the police rarely help them.

Liberal gun control is always targeted at minorities. Don't believe the lies.

really please can we all just stop coming up with arbitrary "well if it can do THIS then surely" type tasks for drawing the line from "intelligent being" / "stupid machine" and then moving the goalposts when something comes close. it's absurd.

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would people please stop playing loud music outside our room
fucking hell

Maybe we should just aim for Sweden. We still can't get over the idea of a /country for autistic critters/ (which Sweden sounds like honestly). Sounds like heaven.

As an example of the "by X I mean Y" people, take the guy who, when I complained about their anti-feral stance or something, went "oh 'anthro' means anyone who does things like talk, so You're Anthro and therefore have no cause to complain", despite that being /blatantly not what it means/ in a furry context.

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