so yeah I mainly use twitch via irc and view various folks streams, not using the web thing.

And a few days ago I got a mail saying they had disabled my account because they think I am less than 14.

So I went through the hoops cuz, you know, various folks will be a bit confused as to why I'm not using my usual account until it gets back, and "well let's see where the rabbit hole goes."

And now I have the text they send which basically says "send us your passport (or other government listed id)"

So um

Yeah I'm pretty god damned sure this is already being used for phishing but... on top of that, these companies asking for that, where the fsck do they store this (cuz you know they store it) and when that gets compromised who's gonna be responsible for all the damage to "normal, everyday people?" Cuz you know damned well it ain't the companies doing this shit.

I mean I want people off of these services anyway (and this is basically just a "Dude, if you don't think this can happen, it has already happened to me" (which will be followed up by "well yeah but you ask for it" crap, which is just convenience over sense) but I mean


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