@topaz Oh hey!
ruffles your neckfluff
How's it yotin'?

@Tvorsk mixed!

They're apparently going to try to break into our house again on Wednesday, ugh. We're pretty sure our replacement flashlight got misdelivered next door and we still gotta walk over there to pick it up. And then there's the UTI.

But for now, we should just make some tea.

@topaz Doesn't sound the best, no.
Hope tea will brighten up your mood though. Anything interesting in the brew? I saw you've been trying out some specialty teas recently...

@topaz I at least recognize the name sencha... the other one is complete unknown to me. How's it tastin'? :)

@Tvorsk It's gonna be great! Genmaicha is just sencha with toasted rice added.

@topaz ...wooof. Definitely not the kind of flavor I can easily imagine.
Maybe I'll dare to try if I can find some for sale around here.

@Tvorsk It's really neat. It's like, nutty!

If your country is anything like ours, it won't be in regular grocery stores. But look for an Asian grocery store. The one we go to is a Korean place, so it doesn't have to be specifically Japanese to carry Japanese teas. At least here, the Japanese tea from the Korean place is actually /cheaper/ than the tea in regular grocery stores!

Hojicha is another really good one, it's roasted and it's delicious.

@Tvorsk Pricewise, it costs us like $3 a box for like 18 tea bags.

You can also get loose leaf. We'd probably be more into that if we had running water to rinse teapots with.

@topaz Light colored tea for a light colored yo'tea. :)

@Tvorsk unrelatedly: we have acquired coffee

trying the drip machine again, less grounds this time.

@topaz Need some practice and experimenting to find the right proportion for ya. Good luck! :)

@Tvorsk thank! *wag*

It doesn't help that /everyone/ gives ratios in weight and we can't find our scale, and also can't be arsed to weigh everything.

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