*licks and snugs up against @l4p1n*

for certain values of "morning" anyway
(presumably morning for you, it sure isn't for us)

@topaz that'd be good night for you, I think..

*licks back, holds you close as you snug*

@l4p1n *weak croak, relaxes into*

we just got back from going out

we didn't go out to accomplish anything in particular, we just /needed out/

went to the coffee shop, got dinner, came home. and now we are /so done./ and we hurt.

we needed to go out though.

@l4p1n we're not quite sleeping just yet, but might sleep soon


@l4p1n it's "only" 10:35 and we'd absolutely be staying up quite a bit later if we weren't so fucking exhausted.

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