TFW your headmate has less brainfog and can remember things better than you do.

@frost Random thing just unlocks wildly, like a random one of us doing something and then it's like "Wait, this happened on March 22, 2021 and uh..." and depending on what it was we're some kind of emotion about it

  • Calista

@TheTenuousOrder Oh wow!

This time wasn't anything so dramatic, just I wasn't sure whether it was actually sunny yesterday, and then @topaz popped up and went "yeah, it was sunny, you remarked internally how nice the weather was, remember?".

I don't know what I'd do without the rest of us. :blobcatheart:

(...I'd manage, just like I did before I found them. >,,> But they are awesome.)

@frost @topaz speaking of which, remembering one headmate left kind of a shit weak apology for something

  • Calista

@TheTenuousOrder @frost *confused headtilt?*

apology to another headmate, or someone external?

@topaz @frost Léon full out saying they couldn't think of anything to say to someone wanting help, like jesus he usually has more tact

  • Calista
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