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(I haven't even clicked the blog post that prompted this to see what language it's even bashing at all, but it references some kind of CVE and says whatever-language is the only one with the problem, so)

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I don't mind Cbashing but I do mind Cbashing when it's being used to push Rust.

Which is 99% of the time.

PC Cases that lack 3.5" drive bays may have been an inconvenience, but no longer.

Ten years ago, if boingboing linked to a collection of Crampus Chistmas Cards, the source would be a blogspot or wordpress blog that had been running continuously since 1999 with big, beautiful, carefully color calibrated scans of vintage crampus christmas cards, carefully sourced with info about who printed them, and when they were produced.

Today? It's a fucking instagram thread, and there all cropped to hell.

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me in israel: oh cool i only have to wait 8 minutes for the train :3

me in austria: WHAT?? i have to wait 8 MINUTES for the train????? PREPOSTEROUS

I am Immune to your reactionary-squick-mongering. :3c

(though we have our own hot-button squicks... but people aren't likely to wield THAT as a rhetorical device because most people don't share them, unlike "OMG child porn!!!1!" or "OMG zoophiles!!!1!" both of which I Roll My Eyes In Your General Direction, Good Sir)

being a corvid therian is one of the best things. no matter how bad my day is if i hear or see a raven, crow, or scrub jay my day is fixed.

#therian #birds

I am Immune to your reactionary-squick-mongering. :3c

(though we have our own hot-button squicks... but people aren't likely to wield THAT as a rhetorical device because most people don't share them, unlike "OMG child porn!!!1!" or "OMG zoophiles!!!1!" both of which I Roll My Eyes In Your General Direction, Good Sir)

We‘ve just discovered that our new boiler has a menu of ‘Landlord settings‘ that give landlords the power to limit how warm their tenants can be. You can prevent your tenants from getting anything more than 15 minutes of heating per hour. Absolutely vile. If I could send this back for a refund, I’d be very tempted. Shame on you ESi, shame on you.

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