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@xenon Short notice'd probably work best for us! It tends to be a spur-of-the-moment "hey I feel like streaming right now" sorta thing.

@xenon Heck, we should try streaming with 10-minute notice sometime! That's short enough we don't have to worry about spoons draining in the interim.

f(x,y) = (-(~((x & x) / (x & y)))) % 4

Extent: 64x64 (scaled x8)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

Jesus called us to be fishers of men

and boy are they tasty

I think Microsoft actually removed the Vista-era volume mixer app in Windows 11. That's good because the Windows XP era software fits into Windows 11 theming better than Vista software (although Vista was my favourite so I'm kinda disappointed).

The Volume Mixer functionality is now in a tab of the system settings' sound menu. It took me a while to figure this out, because the Settings is really hard to search. If you type "volume", it gives you some Narrator settings and "delete a volume" (referring to drives). To change volume settings per-app you need to 1) know the feature exists, 2) search "sound", no other words, 3) scroll through a bunch of text with no icons or visual organization until you find some text that links to the sub-section devoted to the volume mixer. This sub-section is called Volume Mixer, so I really can't guess what criteria Microsoft is using for their search results. They must be hard-coded or something to explain how poor they are, because a naive implementation that searched titles blindly would do a better job...

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