@ItsMeChrisWade We don't have game experience, but we do do pixel art! brightfur.net/commissions/ has examples.

Also my headmate @Ylfingr has exactly one animated thing.

"Have you heard, they've found out magic is real!"
"I heard."
"Anyone can learn, it's all logical, like programming."
"Aren't you excited?"
"I'm a programmer. I wouldn't trust any programmer with magic."
"Hang on..."
"Coffee? You conjured coffee? Show me!"
#MicroFiction #SmallStories

@helene We do sometimes.

Not usually with ads because we're uninterested.

jedi and doctor who with their "this trick works on weak minds" bullshit is gross

@forever Counterpoint: I made my username and then it sorta /became/ my name. (Sorta.)

T - trillion
B - billion
M - million
K - [Excel autofill] killion

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re: Gender request 

@RadiantEmber I'm a guy myself. And also queer and not trans(gender, I /am/ transspecies).

f(x,y) = (~(((17 | x) + (~x)) - ((y - 22) & (y + x)))) % 10

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

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