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brb giving castrated dogs testosterone if they want

hook 'em up with the T some random doctor took away from them!

(... I may be joking, but 100% wouldn't be if it were feasible.)

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"But Frost, if the entire concept of intelligence is shit, are you saying that animals–" yep!

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[XKCD voice] My Hobby:

[picture of wolf wreaking havoc in a coffee shop just by existing]


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⚠️ crowdfunding PSA ⚠️

FUN FACT: you can post your #MutualAid requests in the #MastodonForHarris hashtag to make sure they'll be seen by people who, apparently, have ludicrous oodles of money to burn. also it's praxis

boosts appreciated :boostRequest:

:boostRequest: mutual aid request; abusive family; violence and manipulation; suicide instigation; 

:boostRequest: could you please give me a boost? I'm begging you. :boostRequest:​​ 🥺

shit did really hit the fan hard this week. my mother had a terrible fight with me and my sister. she said a lot of awful stuff to both me and my sister which included telling my sister to "go and die then" when she said how just keeping alive every day is a struggle.

on thursday we went out with some friends and it started all over again when she just suspected we told them what she had done to us. she called me again many terrible names and confirmed my suspicion that me having really bad memory, specially the fact that I have almost no recollection of anything from before I was 7 years old, is just PTSD because she told us of a terrible case of my father kicking me that caused a depressive episode on her just to try and gather some fucking pity and I can't even fathom what the fuck else I forgot.

we need to move. as soon as possible. my sister has a 1 year old baby and we are actually afraid of she doing something on one of those "episodes" of her.

this current amount is to cover the expenses of buying the basics (oven, refrigerator, etc) so we could live somewhere. we don't even know if any place would even accept us because we both got bad credit but we need to try. this is impossible to keep going.

please help a black trans au/adhd plural gal system out instead of burning it buying ads on the superbowl for someone that could afford it either way :X


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)


#mutualAid #transCrowdfund #mutualAidRequest #blackMutualAid #boostPlease #mastodonforharris

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"scammers", kind of mutual aid related 

So here's a 'fun' fact: low-stakes scammers, so the kind that goes for hundreds or thousands of dollars rather than millions, are disproportionately folks in poverty who have resorted to scams as a way to pay the bills.

So even *if* there were scammers in the MutualAid hashtag (and that's unlikely), *even then*, giving to mutual aid requests would *still* support people in poverty.

from our web server log: | [] - - [26/Jul/2024:14:28:58 -0700] "GET /index.asp HTTP/1.1" 503 197 "-" "Hello World/1.0"

Heh someone's testing something out!

Mastodon for Harris discussion 

I think it’s quite clear that people aren’t upset that political donations are happening. Campaigning costs money. However, this isn’t like we’re supporting an independent candidate here, where every dollar matters against the establishment.

This is a woman who wants to be the leader of the most powerful country, whose party is backed by business interests and lobby groups.

It is, in essence, a kind of hypocritical behaviour. The 300k is a drop in the ocean to the millions, if not billions that the party has. People are donating to the Harris campaign to create a better world, without appreciating that if they redirected that 300k — raised in only two days! — to mutual aid posters, that would have infinitely more value and more impact. It’s not just a moral thing, it’s just not cost effective.

Then you consider that the sole goal of the campaign on Mastodon is to just raise awareness that Mastodon exists. That’s it.

It’s certainly not going to happen. If the Harris camp wanted a Mastodon presence, it would have happened by now. The reality is that creating a Mastodon account is a niche, and it’s like spending campaign money in California.

It is, in a sense, feel-good activism. It allows them to claim they’re doing a good thing while not doing much. I have to reiterate this: 300k is insignificant to someone like Harris. It is not going to be the difference between her winning and losing. But it is the difference for the many people posting their mutual aid.

bees entering through the window: hmm. interesting. what is this. huh. ok. cool. i'm out.

flies entering through the window: aaaAAAAA hello hello HI HI HI WHATS UP whatsthisplacewowsomanythingshere oh WOW THERES ANOTHER ROOM ohmygodthisisthebestplaceeverwow i am NEVER leaving

saw this meme shamelessly edited on birdsite so i'm shamelessly posting it here


Hey everyone,

Still in emergency but less thanks to you. We're at peace for the weekend, since we've been able to pay most of our bills, and get stuff for the pets.

If we pay more, we won't be able to eat, though.

Still a few hundreds to raise:

Any help is still deeply appreciated, as always. Thanks, friends ♥️ :boost_ok:

Illustration by @MxVerda, thank you!



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Mutual aid request to help us, two disabled folks, survive after a bank fraud and in grief, GFM link, please boost 

Hey friends,

I've just made a GoFundMe to help us get back the money the bank won't refund after the fraud we've been victim of.

We still have to pay our monthly bills and everything.

Any help truly matters, thank you so much. 💙


#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest

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