...Honestly, I think a large part of the reason we don't really read / watch TV / watch movies these days is none of it's /relatable/ anymore. I don't want to read about humans doing human things, I want to read about people that are actually like us.

There's still a few books, here and there, but they're rare.

Maybe we should go try to find the Wings of Fire series (fiction where everyone's dragons) again.

but like, Zoids anime? Yeah hit me with those big mechanimals all day long. :FrostZoid:

...though they're never treated as people, as full characters. Sometimes they're at least acknowledged in-story as people, but the writers never treat them as people in their own right with any agency at all.


@IceWolf It certainly makes it easier for me to figure out who I am as a person, though. I don't have to deal with any differences from my in-story character – in-story I'm just kind of. Like a horse. Horses is how they treat us.

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