subposting Gargron, because someone boosted him 

"People who use social networks do so because they want to see and be seen by people they don't already know, often for professional reasons."

Uh, [citation needed]. Or rather, no, that is NOT true in all cases.

re: subposting Gargron, because someone boosted him 

We're here to make friends and chat with friends.

Not to Have A Brand.

If you care about "reach", Twitter is built for you.
Not that you can't do that here on Masto too!
But IMO Masto shouldn't be /built/ around that.

re: subposting Gargron, because someone boosted him 

Twitter/Masto's post/interaction model is useful for FAR more than just "brand" crap. The asynchronousness of it all is much-needed at times.


re: subposting Gargron, because someone boosted him 

What's next, removing followers-only posts because "why wouldn't you want to be public, people are here for publicity"?

re: subposting Gargron, because someone boosted him 

@IceWolf gargron, gargron... i was confused until i user-searched and oh! he's The Founder.

re: subposting Gargron, because someone boosted him 

@hyenikin yeppp! Everyone hates him.

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