Second time I run into a developer on who doesn't know what a #web server is and thinks they need to code a #NodeJS app to serve static files.

This is terrifying. It's the future Google wants to build, with their HTTP 2.0 and Wasm: a future when even the basics are horribly hard and not even developers know how the web works because it's all a black box.

I'm begging you: fight this. Educate people. Don't let openness die.

@silverwizard @IceWolf That was no typo. HTTP 2 is binary. It can no longer be used in trivial ways.

@silverwizard @IceWolf Sure, if you're a pro web developer with the time and energy to dig. If it was like that in 1999, Google wouldn't exist. This is called "pulling the ladder up after you got on top".

@notimetoplay @silverwizard Yeah, exactly.

And as for "but efficiency!!!" – if it worked on 1990s computers, it works more than fine now on our vastly faster, vastly higher bandwidth ones.

Text-based protocols are GOOD, not Evil that Should Be Replaced.

@LunaDragofelis @silverwizard @notimetoplay Forgot that, yeah! =^.^=

And if you need to do multiple whatsis, uhhhhhh, requests, Connection: keep-alive :3


@LunaDragofelis @silverwizard @notimetoplay Text also has another big benefit I just thought of now! It's super easy to ignore unknown headers.

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