If you see the AGPL licenses on my free and open source work and you think “damn you, I can’t use this to enrich myself or my corporation without sharing back what I’ve built on top of what you’ve freely shared and thus contribute to cultivating a healthy commons where others might enjoy the same benefits from my work that I want to obtain from yours” (a) you really have long-winded thoughts and (b) well, you already see the flaw in your reasoning.

#foss #licenses #freedom #copyleft #gpl

(Remember this whenever anyone complains about ‘the viral nature of GPL’ or sings praises for (neo)’liberal’ licenses like MIT and BSD that enable corporations to partake of the free labour of others and enclose the commons.)

#foss #licenses #licensing #freedom #copyleft #agpl #gpl #mit #bsd #neoliberalLicenses #liberalLicenses


@aral Uh, it's not just corporations. I don't like GPL because it means we can't use other people's code /in our open source stuff./

Corporations ARE NOT the only reason to like permissive licenses.

So yeah, no, I'm absolutely going to say "fuck the viral nature of GPL" just to spite you now.

@aral Like, I don't mind the GPL as such, really

bur I ABSOLUTELY mind the people who claim GPL style is the ONLY TRUE OPEN SOURCE and anyone who likes permissive licenses must be a corporation bootlicker. That's not okay.

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