@IceWolf i didn't even know you had a site, the terminal aesthetic rocks ^^

you should totally join my webring ehehehehe :neofox_googly_shocked:

@leggylav ooo webring sounds cool!!

And haha I DIDN'T have a site until last night! :3 Though we definitely had a bunch of other subdomains, I didn't have a personal landing page. (Ylf's had one for a while though!)


@leggylav *waags!*

Also funnily enough, I had to put the script at the TOP and use DOMContentLoaded for once. Otherwise it'd wait for all images to load, THEN suddenly blank the page and put it all back slowly – super annoying!

@leggylav I'd say "check out the source code for the terminalstuff" but it's a MESS!

You still can if you want, it's not obfuscated at all. :3

Our streaming site is probably a much better "here's some JS" example. Or Wess. :3

@leggylav (unfortunately that does mean you need to download 2K of Javascript before the main page text... but it's "only" 2K right? Even our out-of-data phone plan is 15K/s, but... I dunno, it's probably fine.)

@IceWolf i think 2k is a pretty modest sum when considering the state of the modern web

@leggylav I'm trying to learn React to put it on our resume and I can't even

1.7 MEGABYTES to display NOTHING. And it's so slow.

No wonder people hate webdev, they think that's normal.

@IceWolf crazy that like 1.7MB is like a large novels worth of text.

i'm all for creating like a cool multimedia experience on your site, but modern sites just seem to often load dozens of megabytes of garbage that could be implemented in a fraction of the size.

i'm no webdev though, so maybe i'm missing something.

@leggylav And I've got a cool multimedia experience™ in 2KB! :3

Granted, this was "unoptimized dev mode"... but if your JS needs special optimization for deployment you're probably doing it wrong.

@leggylav Hell, Wess is under 60K and *half of that is the wordlist*.

@IceWolf i don't have the lightest site but i haven't dabbled in JS cause i've mostly been able to do what i want without it.

i like my images though... i do try to keep them small and dithered though hehe

@leggylav *snort* yeah uh... my big avatar image on my page is a 300KB PNG straight out of the art folder >,,>

@leggylav (I'm like an audiophile but for images... *plop* here have FULL LOSSLESS QUALITY art of me >,,>)

@IceWolf my photobook is about 240 it seems, i use compressed thumbnails then just link to the full res if you click :blobfoxgoogly:

@leggylav Our @GatlingFox uses that in his reference picture gallery! [gatlingfox.brightfur.net/refer, I don't think he has a landing page]

Maybe I should do that on my homepage. I worry I'd mess up the CSS, haha!

@IceWolf @leggylav *synth-howls* It's a small PHP site! ...which unfortunately means you can't browse the full source code since some of it is server-side.

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