@IceWolf My wired Switch headphones seem to work just fine, so I'm gonna try that with BPM and see if it's any better ^~^

@IceWolf It worked okay, but while I was playing it my WiFi device decided to stop working and I had to fuck around to get my computer back online and using the Bluetooth again...

@IceWolf But the game actually worked pretty well! Now if only I was any good at it or knew what any of the guns did =P I lost like 7 times in the initial floor, even on "Practice" mode =P

@Rethala Hee! Yeah, the guns vary WIDELY in how effective they are. So do the items.

Don't forget stat upgrade altars as well! Particularly range – "TOO FAR" is common and aggravating.

@Rethala And probably most importantly, zanshin! Gotta keep an eye on the enemies and where they all are – don't wanna get whacked in the back, because 4 hits and you're dead.

@Rethala sorry, term we picked up from aikido class back in the day – "situational awareness", paying attention to the situation around you so you're ready to react

@IceWolf Oh yes, I always try to do that, not the best at it though =P

@Rethala Practice is what gets you that, fortunately! :3

Over time you'll also get a feel for what enemies are the most dangerous and their attack patterns.

@Rethala Also, DO NOT go down the basement stairs yet, if you find them.

That's a DLC-type area [not in the sense of being paid, but it was added later]; it's not like you need any better /equipment/ but you need /skills/, and you aren't that good yet. You will die, fast. We die, fast.

...Or maybe it's just that we don't know the attack patterns of the enemies there. Either way yeah, it's deadly.

Just hit the first boss instead, take the normal route.

@Rethala oh

oh heck

/don't bother with the challenge rooms/

they will kick your metal (rubber? whatever you're made of back there) ass.

Mostly the flies. If flies spawn... well, you can't run, you're locked in there with them!!

So yeah, don't feel bad about not being able to do the challenge rooms. They're SO not worth it.

@Rethala Once you find good equipment and start steamrollering everything in the later levels, then the challenge rooms might be worth it!


@Rethala oh hey, if you wanna stream it we'll watch and can try to give pointers on what's good and stuff :3

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