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"Has 39 successful pairing(s) remaining."


Do these receivers brick themselves after 40 pairings??

It's a Logitech nano receiver, non-unifying. Using the solaar tool, which we installed for our unifying receiver, making sure we can use it to re-pair to the receiver the mouse came with. Looks like yes, but... with a GREAT BIG CAVEAT.

Ever wanted to see what's inside one of those cheap HDMI capture dongles?

I mean, probably not, but here you go anyway!

Turns out they have Philips #0 screws, and we are armed with a precision screwdriver. :3 Only two screws and the board just slides right out – no need to unscrew the other side, apparently!

hey @certifiedperson I posted it before but I can't be arsed to find it again to boost it and I don't think you saw it so

(it's a music visualizer! and it looks awesome!)

What the heck, PS4?

You already have 2.18 installed!

(seriously, why is it doing this?)

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