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Nice bit of reporting from Swedish Radio. They built an online fake pharmacy and activated Facebook advertising tools. Thousands of simulated visits to the pharmacy were made each day, and the reporters could see all the sensitive, personal information being stored by Facebook.

Facebook sent no warnings to the pharmacy, despite saying they have tools in place to prevent this from happening.

A few weeks ago they revealed how this was happening with real pharmacies.

People have been arrested, charged, and convicted for threats for sending messages containing a pistol emoji. It's not hard to imagine a situation in which someone sends the emoji from a new phone (displayed as a water pistol), it's received on an old one (displayed as a handgun), and it's taken as a threat.

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U+1F52B PISTOL (🔫) is meant to represent a handgun. US vendors, for political reasons, decided they didn't like the idea of a realistic handgun, so for quite a few years now, it's been displayed as a water pistol, exaggerated ray gun, or similar. Older devices and more compliant fonts haven't stopped existing, so here's a character that can seem either like a deadly threat or innocent fun depending on where you send or receive it

computer opinion 

hot take but imo when you buy a device you should have full control over what you do with it and what software you install on it. This was normal back in the late 90s and 2000s when I first used computers, but then smartphones became a thing and now it is normal to be in a completely walled garden where you can only use the preinstalled OS and install stuff that the manufacturer says is okay. It's atrocious

it is apparently BIG

like, 7" to 9" tall big
which sounds like double the height of normal AV equipment? Sheesh.

We're gonna have to clear out the bottom shelf that's currently full of games.

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Oh holy heck someone on Freecycle has an AV receiver they're willing to give away!!!

f(x,y) = ((-((-x) + (x & x))) ^ (-((~y) ^ (4 + x)))) % 6

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

*rings your doorbell* hello, I'm stalebot. I've noticed you bought a bunch of stuff for a new hobby and haven't touched it in three months, so I'm gonna go ahead and put it in your garage now.

f(x,y) = ((((15 - x) | (15 ^ y)) + ((x / 7) + (y - y))) + (((y % x) + (6 % y)) / ((x | y) + (-y)))) % 9

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

lookin at the dartlang documentation rn and

i'm not sure why these kinds of tutorials like to say "you can do this thing in our language, unlike in javascript!" about things you can 100% do in javascript?

f(x,y) = ~(((y ^ y) - (13 & y)) ^ ((x | y) / (14 ^ x)))

Extent: 64x64 (scaled x8)

"Gradient" colouring scheme.

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