@Tvorsk *wiggles whiskers, tongue lolls out!* Pretty good! Having a chill, slow day. (Can't tell if we're slightly sick or if it's just a delayed fatigue crash, so we're staying home, but not actually feeling all that much crappier than usual.)

How'sup over there? :3

@Ylfingr Tail end of a second week of V12-powered meatgrinder at work, but there's been a few brighter points here and there. Right now, just thinking of some dinner. :p

Glad you floofs are doing the smart thing, and are resting in these circumstances. Hope you'll feel better tomorrow!

@Ylfingr Well, depending of what I'll find around it may end up insufficiently impressive for the "dinner" label, but "supper" or "midnight 1am snack" it still'll be.
And yarp, that's a lot of tongue that you have there :p

@Tvorsk Oh, /mood./ Mooood.

and *wags! That feels really good to hear.* =^.^=

@Ylfingr grins I didn't want to go with the Little Red Riding Hood quote... :p

@Tvorsk Heee! That'd be a really good segue into a vore joke if you were into that.

@Ylfingr Boromir: "One does not simply vore into Mawdor..."
Some little snack: "Behold me!"

@Ylfingr I mean, /that/ one would be more knowledgeable of the topic.

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