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Sure, it's #CoatiMonday but this week also sees the anniversary of Betty Boop's first appearance in cartoons (Dizzy Dishes). So thanks to #tf expert @chasetheredfox for letting me boop him! Chase doesn't normally allow that sort of thing, you know.

My own art, at

Also if you'd like to read the thoughts of someone quite close to me about Betty Boop's debut there's ...

Trying out the hexapod life for this week's #CoatiMonday and who better to advise, and to illustrate, this than limbs expert @hexadoodle? The gait for having three front and three hind legs takes practice, but you can derive it from either eigenvector analysis or a more intuitive rationale.

Original picture at and there's a lot that I love in this picture but maybe the best small detail is tha quivering smile on my lip. Just *that* right.

Looking to beat that late-summer heat wave? There's nothing like a good solid block of ice to do it. That's my tip for you this #CoatiMonday. Your choice whether you want to catch up on your podcasts or, like I do here, just chill.

My own art; original at

Late summer is a good time to play some games with friends! So this #CoatiMonday sees me playing with Mischa, the inflatable genie, one of my oldest friends and the first object-tf person I got to know. So far as I know they're not on Mastodon but as with many object tf people, you'll see them all around, happy little things.

My own art, at

My hindpaw holding that die isn't an art error. Coati ankles can twist all the way around backwards, like squirrels' do, the better to climb down stuff.

A belated birthday celebration this #CoatiMonday! I drew this as a gift for Zukaro, the wax robot fox with a tendency to melt. They're a great friend and have done a lot to help me lower my own melting point.

Original art at

(Since this picture they've gotten a mouth, which probably would have made it easier to blow out the flame. Also, the confetti seems like a bad idea while the flame isn't blown out. And don't worry about the melting ... Zukaro will be fine.)

So somewhere along the line I got the idea that one of the main models of coati is the 'banana-nosed coati', an alternate name for the white-nosed coati, and used that as the idea for what kind of coati Austin basically is.

I don't know where I got the idea of a 'banana-nosed coati' from and can't find whatever the heck my source was for the name.

But, you know, that's no reason not to sometimes draw a banana-nosed coati and share them on a mid-September #CoatiMonday.

Original art at

Enjoy a protean #CoatiMonday this week. Anther piece of my own art, exploring how fun the world can be when you're a little glob of cytoplasm and great design.

This started as a test in drawing goo (you have no idea how tricky it is to draw something 'shapeless') and transparency and there's a lot I like about how it came out.

And a big #CoatiMonday to everyone! Here birthday-boy-tomorrow Deeter Rabbit shows off how his massive might lets him hoist a huge weight without effort ... and I show off that I got strength too, just don't show the muscles.

Fun, Popeye-inspired illustration by Panda_Jenn. Original at

I could while away the hours conferring with the flowers on this #CoatiMonday! Panda Jenn did a wonderful rendition of the two of us in a favorite movie, The Something Or Other ... I'm sure I'll think of it at some time.

Original and just fantastic, everything I could've hoped for, art at

Getting into the spirit of the season this #CoatiMonday! @bakertoons took on the job of rendering me in a ghostly form, so I could spend a couple weeks less tangible than usual. It's fun, you should try it sometime!

And a most gorgeous #CoatiMonday #TF for you! This gorgeous sequence is from FA/LiimLsan. She was doing a TFtober project and looking for a good 'Golden' subject, and this fit beautifully with one of the aspects of petrifaction that I most love. That's the sense of a vacation from flesh, the chance to enjoy simply being, enjoying a pleasant stillness for a while. It's so happy.

Original at

Also this may have permanently revised how Austin's eyes look.

It's a good #CoatiMonday to hang around some! @bakertoons was kind enough to let me show off the rarely-seen coati'lope and the even more rarely-seen coati'lope letting someone pretend he's their trophy.

And, you know, it really is fun to spend a day hanging around.

And a happy #CoatiMonday before Halloween! Today I share one of my own drawings --- --- as I enjoy and try to express enjoying a nice simple change of phase. Everybody goes liquidmorph, who goes vapormorph, right? So here we are.

I mean besides the genies, they do vapor. But the rest of us?

<- definitely not genie, do you even see an impossibly tight container to squeeze into there? Case closed except there's no case there, see?

Hang out with me this #CoatiMonday! FA/GrinchyinkReally found a ghostly hand trying to help me 'hang in there', as per their YCH, but you know how it is when you have a really low melting point and are going all goopy, right? Not to worry, we're having fun.

Original art at and this is a quite nice return to puddle form.

(The original picture was a YCH offering, 'Hang In There'. You can see many other people hanging in at )

Most things about being liquid, or liquefiable, are great. But you know what can be obnoxious? When some joker tries pulling a straw on you, like someone's doing this #CoatiMonday to me. Me!

This was a nice PWYW commission from Franz Jake, a liquid/elastic artist whose gallery I don't know where to find. Their first time trying a nonanthro critter, too, so why not go right for the great challenge of a coati done in Liquidator styling? Im' happy despite the insult to my dignity.

A restful #CoatiMonday is a great start to the eating holidays! was so kind as to illustrate me in one of those rare storybook moments where I'm up to no shenanigans and can't be blamed for whatever is going on.

CoatiMonday, soft vore (consenting), humor 

Happy post-Thanksgiving #CoatiMonday! So folks may know that I am willing to service-pred. It's not my favorite way to interact with friends, but I've seen coati mouths, I totally get why someone would want to hug my tongue. Seriously, our maws are just that good. And what the heck, I like bringing my friends joy. It's just, I hate to say, some of y'all can get *very* particular.

My own art, at

Happy first #CoatiMonday of December! For this picture I tried drawing with simulated pencils and simulated charcoals for coloring to see how it looked. It's ... not bad, really, and I need to learn better how to do it.

Original at and I should say the pose is referenced from Nancy Beiman's charming _FurBabies_ comic strip, particularly the one at

A special historic #CoatiMonday for you, thanks to @zorinlynx ...

So in 1995 I was trying to figure out my character, and thought, raccoons are great but aren't there already so many of them? (No.) And looking around for something raccoon-like on my new Performa 6115, with the New Grolier Encyclopedia CD-ROM, brought me to this, if I'm not mistaken, the picture that made me aware of coatis as a possibility and so the thing that made me the first coati in furry fandom.

Handsome creature, right? No wonder I was convinced.

Original art credit unknown; ask the Grolier people.

Another vintage and personal-history #CoatiMonday this week. I recently rediscovered this, which back around 1995-96 was *the* good picture of a coati that I could find on the young, tiny, pre-Google, pre-Alta-Vista Internet of literally dozens of web pages.

This was my background image for my Unix accounts at grad school and if I needed to show someone what a coati was, this was what I had to show them, and I used it as personal image on furry mucks for years. I should re-add it to my standard references for artists.

I regret that I no longer have the faintest idea what site this was from, or who to credit for the photograph. If it's you, or you know who it is, let me know because that would be *astounding*.

And a merry Frithmas to everyone this #CoatiMonday, whether or not you had a little accident with the Christmas tree farm's tree-baling machine! Don't worry, this is really no problem at all, I'm pretty sure!

BunnyHugger, the rabbit, is my dear wife who worries more than situations like this really deserve.

Picture by PandaJenn,

New Year, New #CoatiMonday! This is a piece of real-media art I did, a doodle on my New Year's card to my dear bride BunnyHugger, seen here in the lower right corner worrying about what I'm dangling from since the coati tail isn't prehensile, it just looks like it *ought* to be. This could be an unsafe ball drop!

New season, new icon! Changing out from the spirit of the season, by @bakertoons, over to ... a rare trophy, by also by @bakertoons.

I'm thinking to spend the harshest part of winter hanging out in the lodge of that naked white guy the Pink Panther keeps having to deal with.

Maybe mess with his dog who, you know, is faithful and true and all but also kinda Assigned Cop At Birth. We'll see who starts something first.

Yes, the Christmas season may be over by this #CoatiMonday, but that doesn't mean you can't still play with the tree-bundling mechanisms and ... uh ... maybe need a little help here?

Fun icon by @SqueakyCheeToy [ still open for commissions ] that I didn't think to ask for early enough this season, but that I expect you'll be seeing again in eleven months or so.

Don't worry, I'm sure this will be an easy one to get out of sooner or later.

You know what's a great way to keep warm on a chilly #CoatiMonday? Lava! And what better way to bring light to the world than be a lava lamp critter for yourself? Scuse me now while I put on some 13th Floor Elevators, maybe some Ultimate Spinach later.

Wonderful picture by FA/techno., but not yet posted to any galleries to my knowledge.

Letting you in on another great way to avoid the harshest parts of winter for #CoatiMonday today: sneak in somewhere and pretend to be an animal-skin rug! You get to rest by the fire of that Naked White Guy who's always harassing the Pink Panther, and as long as nobody sees you but his dog, you're living the life of ease.

Real-media pencil sketch by FA/Toonvasion. Not yet posted to any galleries to my knowledge.

Ever find yourself on #CoatiMonday in a bit of a Stitch? A friend who shall remain, for the moment, unnamed liked the idea of me as a genetic abomination and, sure, I'm for that, especially in Stitch's lovely six-limbed body plan.

So here's me doing a quick pose for you to admire how I look as multifur/coatitaur.

Popping up to bring some light to your #CoatiMonday! And what better way to do that than being myself, unless it's to be myself as a lavalamp coati? Don't thank me for turning on my heartlight; thank FA/techno., who illustrated this one too. So far as I know it's not on any galleries yet.

One of the happy things that can happen to you #CoatiMonday or any other day of the week is for wax robot fox Zukaro to basket you! And here, the artistic fox with the low melting point does as much for me, putting a lovely glossy shine on me in a cozy spot.

Original at

Sure it's #CoatiMonday, but it's also the middle of Feb-roo-ary and I couldn't pass up the chance to let transformation master @chasetheredfox let me see how the other half hops! This isn't actually the first time you've seen Austin in a coati-(something) form, this thread, although it *is* a rare event, so I hope you enjoy!

15-minute quickie sketch from Chase's charity stream last week; I got quite lucky with the random draws.

Not yet posted to any art archives (so far as I know); will update if and when it is.

You know what else makes a #CoatiMonday thematically linked to the month? What's more Febru-airy than a semi-tangible spirit? Other than a pooltoy, which I didn't happen to draw. But I was trying some new ideas about how to draw translucent bodies and I'm always a good one for being a little bit ghostly and here's the happy result!

Original at

Any calendar fan knows a leap year March starts out much like February and so this #CoatiMonday is a variant of February's first. When drawing me as a lava lamp FA/techno. did some color variants and here's a lovely one, in different lovely colored globs.

To date not posted on any gallery (to my knowledge); when it is, I'll try to remember to update this. In the meanwhile, please consider your day brightened by my participation in it and be careful about where you pick me up!

Observing a quiet #CoatiMonday with a vintage piece. You may have wondered whether the O'Reilly book series ever got a coati on a cover and, in the early 2000s, they did, using whatever 19th-century lithograph this is.

Sad for me, the book was one I didn't have any possible use for and was too expensive to have for just the mild souvenir value. And the book is now so out of print it isn't even listed on the Animal Menagerie search engine at

I may have retired for the moment @bakertoons's sweet trophy icon of me, but that doesn't mean the thought is wholly out of my mind. For this #CoatiMonday let me share my own take on the same premise, me just Gumping around, hanging out and sometimes messing with people who didn't notice me on the wall there. Again, don't worry about where my body is or what it's up to or how I'll get out of this fix; it's just a hangout.

My own art, original at

And not to brag but I really like the job I did on the iPod Shuffle's tangled cables there.

Observing the last #CoatiMonday of March with a last look at a lava lamp. This is a color variant that FA/techno. did of me in a plastic, hot, and slightly psychedelic version. Love to bring a bit of glow to your lives like this.

So far as I know it's not uploaded to any archive, but I'll keep you posted.

Happy first #CoatiMonday of April! Not a lot going on here, just me trying out some new brushes on ProCreate and seeing what sort of a difference it makes. What do you think?

Original at

Happy Eclipse #CoatiMonday! I didn't get a proper eclipse-themed picture together. Maybe for next time. But I've breen busy what with falling prey to Grape Dragon's scheme to build an army of goopified targets! And here I am, mutating to be grape, of course, but also vaporous. You know, it's not that bad, really, I could get into this and maybe fool some genies into thinking I'm one of them.

Original by FA/GrinchyinkReally and at as part of a mutation-themed YCH offering. If you'd like to see a montage of _all_ the people goopified by Grape, look at ...

I want to share my view of what happened during the #eclipse last #CoatiMonday, and as you can see from my own illustration here --- original at --- I was having a perfectly fine time snagging and running off with the sun and I do not know why everybody else had to make such a big deal of it and get all tense and everything!

Also I'm really happy with how I drew my eyes here. That looks happy.

@Ylfingr Thanks; I think it's the smile on the sun that makes the picture work.

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