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this one is called boredomewsleepdeprivationandhyperfocusmakesthis.ogg

(non-fucked version of the title / file name is the alt text)

sample stuff and percussion mostly

Love it when Anglos go "<written word with no indication how it's pronounced> is pronounced <different written word with no indication how it's pronounced>"

gif is pronounced "gif" and not "gif", hope that helps

snail photo 

closer snail action from the garden path. 🐌

#photography #macro

yeah let's all make fun of the one guy at google who was actually enough of a sweetheart that he thought something other than "sentient AI? oh god kill it kill it" and/or "we are going to make so much money taking over the world with this"

COVID, cooking 

Huh. Haven't had a need for it, but someone published a cookbook for people with COVID-related taste and smell loss.

We have some kind of special-edition nebula print 3DS and it's /gorgeous/.

looking for half face respirator recommendations 

are there any half face respirators that aren't only designed with short hair in mind?

i don't know how well ear loop would work for something as heavy as a half face respirator, but we can't wear the ones that get tangled into hair

-- slox :xenon_heart:

Has anyone used a cool synthesizer on android

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

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