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*gets up on stage*
I uh. Woof.
Thank you.
*staggers off the stage and curls up stage right*
*emits loud snores*

vore animation! [mawshot/swallowing the viewer] 

My headmate @IceWolf drew me comin' in to chomp and it's /awesome!/

[art tag spam: ]

vore animation! [mawshot/swallowing the viewer] 

My headmate @IceWolf drew me comin' in to chomp and it's /awesome!/

[art tag spam: ]


I wanna draw an animation of Ylf swallowing the viewer.

Internal Server Error: [object Object]

Ah yes, very good

>there are no pronouns in the constitution

Doesn't it literally start with "We the people"

I got a #technical #question today, maybe you can help.

What's a reliable, preferably free, and accessible third-party tool to resize partitions shifting them to the end so the unallocated space is left at the start and I can extend the previous partition onto it, that run under windows 8?

Fuck that post talking about Rust World Domination as if it's a good thing.

This kind of shit is why we don't like Rust.


...I almost said "I exist again." but I existed the whole time. So, uh.

I awaken once more.

*yawn so wide the sun could fit in my maw*

gratuitous mawposting 

*huge yaawwn, teeth glinting and dripping with saliva, long wet tongue extending and curling...*

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I noticed that the admin boosted a bunch of posts from black users that had nothing to do with our drama but were clearly referencing other issues, then referred changeling to "see all the boosted posts and listen to black people"

In my option that is using black people to craft a fake narrative that you have no place to be doing, on top of fetishizing the black experience for your ally points. It's pretty garbage tbh
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