longing for a modern WYSIWYG HTML editor like old frontpage/dreamweaver that i can point people to so they can more easily learn to make their own site...

@IceWolf i'd love to, were i not utterly incompetent at anything software dev, hehe

hypocritical perhaps but i've had bad luck with more elaborate projects like that myself.

i think there is a distinct albeit niche want for this though

@IceWolf @leggylav Same here! :3

On the one paw, we don't tend to make super large projects... on the other paw, our streaming service exists!

@topaz @IceWolf any of y'all would be the hero of a niche internet community if you did hehe.

there are options like zonelets.net, boxboxhtml, or strawpage, but all of these have some huge restriction keeping them from being easily generalized

(zonelets focuses on neocities only, boxbox is a rather obtuse css layout generator, strawpage is restricted to having your page hosted through them and is primarily drag and drop without much coding option from what i've seen)

@leggylav @IceWolf hmm!

We've uh, never actually used a WYSIWYG HTML builder before. Maybe something like a /reverse/ live preview could be nice? Drop stuff into page on the left, code updates on the right. You can type the code of course, too, but you don't have to.

@topaz @IceWolf got back on this line of thought from a post elsewhere that was shared from a blog i enjoy invisibleup.com/articles/33/ there's a good deal of examples of what made them AWESOME in that article too ^^

@leggylav @IceWolf Pupdate so far: We've now got a web-based live-updating preview from the code, JSFiddle-style! Just to start with.

@topaz @IceWolf excited to see what you come up with hehe :vlpn:

i feel a lot of the benefit of those editors too comes in some of the slightly guided approach, e.g. in a hierarchical project view see the top down whole site view, look at reports of orphaned links and files, etc.

arguably in templates as well, but that's something the web is lousy with, it's more so in the integration of all of that!

kinda odd the shift that a lot of software has taken recently to be targeted to a professional user that has domain knowledge, rather than a general audience like this stuff used to be.

@leggylav @IceWolf *licks!*

...Looks like we're gonna have to make this a native app instead of a website. Perhaps with Electron. Everyone hates on Electron but, bleh...

@topaz @IceWolf it does have the benefit of accessibility cross platform. not without its advantages.

@leggylav @IceWolf Yeah! Using Linux/Qt might limit us to Linux (maaaybe Windows if we do some work; Mac? haha good luck).

Electron's probably better here. :3

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