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PS3: *tiny bink!* "Import completed."

It makes such lovely noises.

We uh, probably shouldn't plug our AV receiver into the UPS...

We'll need a power strip.

The AV receiver we're getting looks like it has /passthrough AC outlets/ – that's a thing? what! – so I bet we could run the radio off of that.

Sure, the AV receiver does radio itself, but,,

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our radio receiver is AWESOME :3

I just, love the aesthetic.

uk pol, protest rights 

wait. did the UK government just "outlaw"¹ a swathe of protest tactics just so that it could shut one anti-Brexit guy up?

¹ we'll see what the ECtHR thinks of that in due course. that's if it isn't subject to widespread jury nullification, which... has happened before

Hey, what's a good cheap thing we can use to store 15-odd games and DVDs in a small space? A magazine rack or something, maybe?

We currently have them all piled up on the unused shelf of our TV stand, but uh, we're gonna be putting an AV receiver there soon!

Summer goldfinches aren't nearly as common as in the winter here, but this dude clearly found himself a good snack bar

#Minetest doesn't have a central auth system. Each server is an independent service with its own account system, moderation, and rules.

There's no central service to snoop on messages and ban users. Decentralised, just like how the Internet should be


one of the things that is kind of depressing to me about the future of computers is how either you were
- born before computers were common, and you don't know what a file is or what to do with it
- born somewhere between the 90s and early 00s and you know what a file is
- born in the last decade and due to apple's and google's efforts are likely to not know what a file is

it seems like such a small and basic thing but its actually scary how the concept of Files is often hidden now

windows 🤝 android 🤝 maybe apple stuff idk i wouldnt be surprised
"look i know you are root/admin/etc and you have the highest possible permissions in this system but please just dont touch these folders i promise you dont need them please do something else okay"

f(x,y) = (-(-(y % 7))) % (((~x) & (~x)) | (~(x - y)))

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Gradient" colouring scheme.

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

This is a private instance for us.