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okay fedi I have a dumb idea

If I have a DVI-I Dual-Link cable, e.g it has 4 pins on the right surrounding the longer...part, whatever it is

Can I just remove said 4 pins and effectively have a DVI-D Dual-Link Cable?

(I'm tryna connect a GTX 1060 and have no HDMI or DisplayPort cables so DVI is my only option, but I didn't realise this 1060 had DVI-D only)

@IceWolf fedi is mostly creatures and critters as far as i can tell

I wish people would stop making "fedi is all girls" jokes.

I just had the most star trek moment ever.

I put a file on an iPad to hand it over to marketing.

I didn't put the file in the cloud. I put it on the tablet and gave it physically to them.

>frontier release the first new ship for elite dangerous since 2018, the python mk2

> it is available on may 7th for £10 worth of ARX (in game currency, usually used for skins/decals)

>or i can wait til *august*

eat my entire ass, i hope anyone with a mk2 in open is perpetual gankbait for a month straight

what comes to you mind first when you think of Yamaha

- posted by Ielenia

Everyone's discussing the danger of "AI" taking out jobs, but nobody nearly as much talks about the transitioning phase (for lack of a better term), in which humans are employed to check the "AI" output for correctness

These errors have become so subtle and hard to spot, that the attention span required for it wears out any human supervision very quickly. And it makes these subtle errors at speeds we cannot and will never be able to keep up with

People already work unfulfilling jobs at scale. Now imagine working your butt off to get a degree, only to watch a computer do your job for you and do it wrong in the most unnoticeable ways because you've checked out after 3 hours, but work to check keeps piling up

Just like running this "AI" scam burns through money and resources, if it is deployed in this way, it'll burn through the human factor as well. And so it begs the question: When (not if) the "AI" bubble finally bursts, what will remain of it to salvage?

you could reasonably translate this as either peeping or squeaking (as in cute small noises) but apple translate has an innovative idea

But first they must catch you

Yaaaaayy they are here and I'm so pleased with how it looks!! It feels very comfortable and the printing feels quite soft to touch! :D

They are available here:

#watershipdown #rabbit #art #mastoart #maw

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