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Man, even the trashy Zoids Gamecube game is going for $45, yikes...

Said I was done but here's another OpenXR tutorial
This one's for everyone who's ever wondered how to add a desktop window to their application so people can see what's going on inside the headset!
#vr #virtualreality #gamedev #indiedev

Car key fobs are such a fucking racket. Nobody will program one without buying a new fob. Nobody will do it for less than $300. Absolutely zero reason why this couldn't be done safely by an owner.

Mutual aid request  

Alright. I didn't want it to come to this, but I've run out of options.

Long story short, the short shifts I've been working lately simply aren't enough to cover the bills (roughly $360). Of course, my wonderful bank is going ahead and posting them to my account anyway and causing overdrafts ($128 so far) on top of everything else.

I've gathered what money I had set aside, but it's still not enough.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, but I understand if you can't/don't want to.

*leaves knife in other pants to pick up a package that requires knife to open*


Also, with your own domain, you can start on a hosting platform (we're on Fastmail for our business domain, because one selfhosted email server is quite enough thankyou) and later move to selfhosted, OR vice versa if selfhosted gets to be too much. You might have to move your email history around, but people sending email to you don't have to know or care, you've still got the same address.

And if one email provider screws you over, you can just MOVE, and keep your address!

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Hey random PSA:

Considering selfhosting email, but worried about all the bureaucracy/signing emails/other "antispam" shit the big corps make you deal with?

That only matters for SENDING. If sending email isn't much of a concern, if you just want to sign up for things and get 2FA codes and whatnot, you don't have to deal with any of that at all!!

You still /can/ bother with that stuff, and if it lets you send great, and if you do it wrong, you can still receive.

"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-"

"No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!"

"-but you can trust me when I say-"

"I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!"

"I don't care for you at all."

"Well, I... oh... I love you too."
#TootFic #SmallStories #Microfiction

Mawshot / Vore 

The Queen is no strange to requests, you better have some food to offer though, else she might steal a lick off you.

Nala maw art!

#mawshot #voreart

mawshot, eye contact 

Ohmigosh Ohmigosh happy #MawShotMonday! 😀 Here are two #mawshot peices by of Taris and Elizabeth! These were done in a livestream and it really fun! I'm super jazzed about Elizabeth's throat tattoo 😍
#vore #maw

Anyone know an easy way to show a full screen image in windows 95?
I thought I could use mspaint but it turns out it adds a 1px border in full-screen mode.

I could write a simple win32 app but that seems like a lot of work for something this simple

I just received my new work laptop (#Apple #Macbook Pro M3, ~€2000) just to discover that it does not support dual-monitor output despite having multiple video ports.

For a feature that even the cheapest laptops (and older MacBooks) have had for years, Apple now asks you to buy the MacBook Pro M3 Pro (€2500) or M3 Max (€4000).

This is essentially €2000 #ewaste. Not so "pro" after all.

offf, this story about how Google made google search into a pile of seagull shit hits me hard:

Around the time of this story, I was living through a similar situation in my work life (on a much smaller scope, of course, first, Tumblr later).

Back in 2019, working on WordPress, I started finding myself, almost weekly, arguing against people who wanted to take the product we were working at and made it worse if that mean they could squeeze 0.1% more revenue from it

The 0.1% figure is not even a random number: I remember this speciffic A/B test on that was declared a success and shipped to 100% of the users because it increased the free-to-paid conversion by 0.1%. Soon after it was released, I found out that as a side effect, it increased the churn of free users by 20 something %,so I called for an urgent rollback and removal of the change. So I was promptly explained that we didn't care about free-users churn, because finance had calculated the average long-term value of the free users to be something like $2 per year, and the increase in conversion was bigger than what we could get from them.

Everything became about growth hacking. Everything became thinly-veiled dark patterns. In our private dev slack channels, we joked that since it was impossible to make it smaller or less conspicuous, the next thing the growth team was going to ask us to do was to make the 'free plan' button flee away from the mouse pointer when the user tried to click it. We kept making our product worse, we kept consciously crippling the cheaper versions so we could force people to move to the more expensive options.

Back then I was the lead of one of the two dev divisions working on, so my job was mainly to discuss what we were going to be doing, when and how. And I was getting drained by a constant state of fight against a constant wave of shit they wanted us to build. So much than by the end of 2020, the CEO quietly told me to follow the growth team plans and shut up or step down.

So I requested to move to tumblr, because I thought the pastures were greener over there. But it was all the same: Adding login walls to what we were pretending to be "the last bastion of the free internet", cramping in embarrasingly obvious money-making schemes disguised as features, and making them silently opt-out instead of opt-in so the less people the possible would deactivate them, having to fend off the pressure from the CEO to make everything algorithmic timelines because, you know, tiktok makes a lot of money and why aren't we, etc etc.

I found myself in a place where building something good that people enjoy using was no longer a priority, but tricking people into generating more money for the company was. And when I looked around me, I could see that happening everywhere else, not only in my company. Experiencing the start of the enshittification years from inside wasn't easy.

And, as in the article, the people who decided to turn the shit-metter up to 200%, have a name, in every case. And these people, no matter if they are called Sundar and Prabhakar or Matt and Mark, are destroying the internet. These people are milllionaires, or billionaries, and are destroying our shared, common spaces to squeeze some extra cash from us.

That's why the fediverse and its principles are important. Because that's how we take back internet from their dirty hands. That's how we make internet resilient against them. That's how we build the commons.

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

This is a private instance for us.