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I am thinking about impromptu streaming MGR (my game). Any of you interested?

Fun fact: extensive research has failed to find any strategy better at avoiding dehydration than "drink water when thirsty"

Masto broke because we ran out of disk space
and then we had to restart postgresql

Download my public PGP key (Pretty Good Pronouns) to refer to me securely in the third person.

I can't think of very many singplayer fantasy RPGs where all the playable races arent just.. slightly different human

asking for help 

Hey, lovelies

Sorry for being a constant burden, you know how much I hate it, but I need a hand (or paw) with groceries.

Anything you could kick into the bucket hat would be massively appreciated$somarau

Thanks so much for keeping me living and sane. You all truly mean the world to me :teal_sparkling_heart:

f(x,y) = ((((~y) - (-x)) & ((y ^ y) & (11 / x))) + ((-(x & y)) / ((x / 9) - (y & 3)))) % 5

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

antiplural shit on Reddit, continued (abstract) 

Ugh. Checked our Reddit notifications and MORE people are piling on with antiplural shit in that one thread.

Maybe I should just start ignoring them.

tired of "not now." tired of "maybe later." tired of "see less of this." give me a big fat "NO" button

TIL that on the official masto app on iOS, if you block and mute someone, their posts still show up in the 'posts' column? WTF? (Not personal experience, heard from someone else)

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

This is a private instance for us.