rambling about psychs 

From everything we've seen, psychs' whole goal is to "fix" people by making them "normal".

They don't care if you're fine, if you're different that's a Disorder to be Cured i.e. ripped out of you.

Sure, I'm sure some psychs wouldn't do that for SOME "disorders"
just autistic? you're probably safe
plural? that's /decidedly/ iffier.

but we basically only hear of, say, schizophrenia as a bad thing

now, we don't really know what schizophrenia even /is/
(a lot of what we hear sounds like it's often just plurality?)

but everyone treats it as Inherently Bad, something to be eliminated, even if you're fine with being that way.

(slight tangent, but even if you're not fine with it, if you've got headmates, they deserve a say too.)

rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr schizophrenia very distinctly is not plurality there is a long history there yes schizophrenia literally means "split mind" but that's awkwardly meant to refer to splitting from reality as in psychosis i see too many people refer to the two interchangeably and it infuriates me when it keeps coming up the connection between the two was mistakenly made long ago by now before most people alive today were alive the two are very different in the kind of like- affect

schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@TheTenuousOrder Oh huh!

We read a blogpost once where the critter talked about their 'voices' that were pretty clearly headmates as a schizophrenia thing, so I figured it could be a schizophrenia thing.

schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr there's sometimes voices, but there's a range of psychotic symptoms and nearly none of them have any kind of affect outwards that would be mistaken for plurality- and the thing is, plurality, or... well... DID... got called schizophrenia because they assumed the alters/headmates/whatever term you want to use, were a thing that's like...
i forget the clinical name for it but it's the psychotic belief that oneself is a different person (2/3?)

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@TheTenuousOrder *blink* ...I'd say in that case you /are/ a different person?

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@TheTenuousOrder Like, all you need to be a different person is to consider yourself a different person.

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr usually a famous historical figure or other such notable figure- it's a bit hard for me to explain i'm sorry- where they completely drop the life they have and try to...
actually thinking about it i *have* heard of "DID" cases doing exactly that.
i... came in here also rambling- uh- usually, from what i recall, unlike where the headmate could theoretically front at any time, the...

i'm... not the authority in this so don't take my word

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 


re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@TheTenuousOrder 's'okay!

But yeah, that sounds pretty much like fictionkin except with historical figures (and we've heard those exist anyway, "factkin" or something)!

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr there's a way which does present like that, and this other way where it's the feeling of the inheriting of traits or that they're sort of like...

the concise, medical definition is something i can find but it's one i know you don't want

schizophrenia is largely about disorganised thought and "negative" affect where everything is muted, emotions, their physical affect, anhedonia, etc, either way

and both ways are a very weird experience

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr the time i was looking through nine inch nails discography because trent was leaving a message for me about the trajectory of my life at the time
the times where we weren't depressed, but completely empty of feeling in a way it's still a struggle to explain to anyone that doesn't go through the same thing, years later

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@TheTenuousOrder :blobcatheart:

makes sense!
Wasn't expecting the two different types, but it certainly explains all the conflicting information.

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@TheTenuousOrder Honestly it still feels like the 'you're a different person' type, as well as the 'voices who are headmates' type, are plurality (possibly with other stuff as well).

I bet they could take our plurality and stuff it into the schizophrenia box.

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr there's a schizophrenia spectrum based on the severity and which symptoms manifest- we'd be under schizoaffective probably, as it depends on mood-

re: schizophrenia talk re: rambling about psychs 

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