rambling about psychs 

From everything we've seen, psychs' whole goal is to "fix" people by making them "normal".

They don't care if you're fine, if you're different that's a Disorder to be Cured i.e. ripped out of you.

Sure, I'm sure some psychs wouldn't do that for SOME "disorders"
just autistic? you're probably safe
plural? that's /decidedly/ iffier.

but we basically only hear of, say, schizophrenia as a bad thing

now, we don't really know what schizophrenia even /is/
(a lot of what we hear sounds like it's often just plurality?)

but everyone treats it as Inherently Bad, something to be eliminated, even if you're fine with being that way.

(slight tangent, but even if you're not fine with it, if you've got headmates, they deserve a say too.)

rambling about psychs, institutional pluralmisia 

We're still afraid of some psych getting wind of our plurality (say, if we go to get ADHD meds), and reporting us and getting us locked in a mental institution for schizophrenia or whatever.

Where they can beat us down and try to slowly kill me, kill everyone who's not Frost.

schizophrenia talk, re: 

@Ylfingr Schizophrenia gets depicted like plurality in media frequently and the term literally means "Split Mind", but as we can tell you with the experience of being unable to be fully sure if everything we're experiencing is real outside of explicitly being told that one thing we're sensing doesn't exist or coming off of an episode where Trent Reznor is sending messages in his music or one of us panicking about literally being a cosmic plaything, the two disorders

schizophrenia talk, re: 

@Ylfingr are very little alike with only outward presentation at most as a similarity.

re: schizophrenia talk, re: 

@TheTenuousOrder Oh, huh!

I wonder why they depict schizophrenia as plurality, then.

Maybe they go together sometimes? I know with Hellblade, the devs actually went and talked to people in a mental institution to get an idea of what stuff was like instead of relying purely on tropes, but I don't recall the exact "disorders" involved. It's quite possible the people they talked to were in there for plurality. (Context: Hellblade's protagonist is _clearly_ plural. The game would be awesome if it weren't for the big disclaimer at the front going "if you have stuff like this Get Help".)

re: schizophrenia talk, re: 

@TheTenuousOrder Also this reminds me of the whole "plurality as dissociation" nonsense, which ALSO makes absolutely no sense.

re: schizophrenia talk, re: 

@Ylfingr for the idea of coming together, the most I could put in favour of that is that co-morbid issues have a chance of causing psychotic episodes from stress or depression even, or push someone into coping by bringing someone else in as a plural system, or both; and well, considering we have most of our childhood we can't remember all the way up to 2017, and dissociation when something's getting painful for us still, there's very much a possible element there.


re: schizophrenia talk, re: 

@TheTenuousOrder I also wonder if another possible route is "hallucination voice shows up, you start talking to them, they grow into a headmate".

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