rambling about psychs 

From everything we've seen, psychs' whole goal is to "fix" people by making them "normal".

They don't care if you're fine, if you're different that's a Disorder to be Cured i.e. ripped out of you.

Sure, I'm sure some psychs wouldn't do that for SOME "disorders"
just autistic? you're probably safe
plural? that's /decidedly/ iffier.

but we basically only hear of, say, schizophrenia as a bad thing

now, we don't really know what schizophrenia even /is/
(a lot of what we hear sounds like it's often just plurality?)

but everyone treats it as Inherently Bad, something to be eliminated, even if you're fine with being that way.

(slight tangent, but even if you're not fine with it, if you've got headmates, they deserve a say too.)

1/2 schizophrenia info re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr schizophrenia isn't really plurality? sometimes they do hear clear, distinct voices that could be plurality (which i recall a paper on psychosis suggesting this, but of course the authors still took the usual "dissociated parts" view) but often the voice/s people hear are indistinct or muttering or incoherent or random words / phrases, and not attached to a continuous identity.

Not all schizophrenics experience voices. Delusions are also a common part of the experience and those can be incredibly distressing or dangerous to people who experience them (though not always)

Hallucinations (which can be of any sense) & delusions are called "positive symptoms" because it's an added experience most people don't have.


2/2 schizophrenia info re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr I think about 1/4 don't experience positive symptoms at all, only "negative" symptoms (i think most schizophrenics have both?) which i understand tend to be less untreatable and much more disabling - these are all the "lacks" where people lose traits they previously had like communicative abilities, joy or emotions in general, motivation, and ability to move themselves.

(also whoops when we went to add this part we realised this was a *really* old toot lol oops, so happy to delete if you want)


re: 2/2 schizophrenia info re: rambling about psychs 

@certifiedperson Huh! Neat.

And yeah, this is one of my pinneds :3
Still really good to know though!

The "sometimes the voices are continuous people, sometimes it's random mutterings" makes sense. We actually have more or less constant indistinct noise in the back of the head ourselves, and we're not entirely sure where it comes from – our guess is just that it's leakage from headmates in the back, but who knows.

...wow, people lose things they previously had? that's /terrifying./ We always thought schizophrenia was just something you started out with.

re: 2/2 schizophrenia info re: rambling about psychs 

@Ylfingr I *think* it's common for schizophrenic folk to have traits of it growing up, and I think there's a bit of a genetic component? but it fully develops into a whole thing in typically later adolescence to late 20's.

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