@Ylfingr fully expecting it!

hopefully we reliably remember to click follow back lol

@CertifiedSystem *fanggrins!*

Masto's one-way-follow system does make sense for parasocial stuff, but gets weird fast when you treat it like conventional friending, like we do.

@CertifiedSystem ...though I didn't consider that this is a system account, so maybe you can't just use Horse

multiaccount is super useful!

@Ylfingr i'm gonna set my horse but i'm on my phone and the picture is on my laptop.

feels wrong not to have it.

also since i remember p.c being weird with your brightfur instance, i figured if we just make this a system account we can forget about the other two.

@CertifiedSystem Mood. And yeah.

...Also we just saw some critters move to chitter saying p.c is imploding, so uh... yeah. Sounds like staying there isn't really an option anyway. (We have no idea what's going on there.)

@CertifiedSystem Also it's 100% worth the energy to grab the laptop, grab your horse picture, and put the laptop away again just to have your proper picture! :pixel_pawheart_orange:

@CertifiedSystem Also, if you want your own chitter.xyz account in addition to the system account, don't forget Firefox cookie containers are a thing; you can be logged in on your own without having to kick off the system account.

@Ylfingr we mostly end up on here on mobile browner these days! Also we don't really intend to use heavily at this point, we're not trying to make new online friends right now. (or, i'm not and we're not switching lately. Seriously it is *so quiet* in here lately but every time i worry headmates are gone-gone i get strong enough vibes of quiet Presence that they're still here.) (this honestly happens at least daily.)

@CertifiedSystem (Oof. *hugs, gently. And offers hugs to anyone else who wants, too.*)

@CertifiedSystem Could it be a medication messing with communication or something? I don't know.

@Ylfingr no, we're no longer taking methylphenidate, haven't used our inhaler in ages, all that's left is HRT

i think people are intentionally being quiet so i can focus on studies. Well. I think some gatekeepers(?) are enforcing this.

after waking up from my nap i did wonder if maybe the "it will happen soon" or whatever message was related to me *constantly* internally saying about how i miss people and stuff. But idk maybe i just think that because i think it a lot and hope it to be.

@CertifiedSystem Huh!!! Huh.

Is the quietness even helping? *soft snort* Worry about headmates /cannot/ be helping you study...

@Ylfingr i mean i'm not worrying about them when i'm too busy thinking about homework or class, mostly just when i'm like eating or driving.

@CertifiedSystem Still background stress! I bet it takes energy to tune out so you can be busy thinking about homework and stuff.

@Ylfingr nope on the energy! It's honestly accidental. Particularly in class!

@CertifiedSystem [insert joke about music ♭/♯ that I'm too tired to make right now]

@Ylfingr we were also talking with you & Frost and accepting follow requests so, a bit hard to do it all at once

got food in the oven though!

@CertifiedSystem Miiiight be a good idea to log in just to download a backup, if there's anything important there. >,,>

@CertifiedSystem Oh good!

OH, and on migration: Don't forget you can pop over a list of your follows, if you want to refollow the critters you were following over on w.e.

@CertifiedSystem (NOT a move. Don't do the move feature. Too many horror stories of "I lost all my friends during a move gone wrong, please boost this post to help me find them again".)

@Ylfingr honestly there's only one non-y'all person i'd kinda like to keep following but that's kind of a parasocial thing, lets be real. We don't talk much but i like seeing how they're going.

@IceWolf @Ylfingr plus heck it's not like i'm deleting my w.e.

if i do wanna see what they're up to i can just... open w.e.

@Ylfingr @CertifiedSystem like I do technically still HAVE my meow.social account but there is NO WAY I'm going back there unless for some raisin I /have/ to.

Don't feel comfortable there anymore.

@IceWolf @Ylfingr fair enough! My w.e use would just be pure lurking now anyways.

@Ylfingr yeah, back in the day on nocial networking sites, a pair either was friends or wasn't.

i'm not really sure when or how Following started. I suspect Tumblr may have been an early adopter but that's because it's really a blogging platform. Maybe the macro-blogging platforms did as well...? And well i guess Twitter was micro-blogging, so maybe they made it big early on.

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