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@leggylav @IceWolf hmm!

We've uh, never actually used a WYSIWYG HTML builder before. Maybe something like a /reverse/ live preview could be nice? Drop stuff into page on the left, code updates on the right. You can type the code of course, too, but you don't have to.

@IceWolf @leggylav Same here! :3

On the one paw, we don't tend to make super large projects... on the other paw, our streaming service exists!

longing for a modern WYSIWYG HTML editor like old frontpage/dreamweaver that i can point people to so they can more easily learn to make their own site...

oops it's 11:30, we were hoping to leave before 12

streaming stuff! 

@leggylav Oh hey! I don't know if you were paying attention while checking out the streaming server where I said it in chat, but

it actually supports multiple streams! You can make up a stream key and put ?stream=(the stream key) in the website URL and boom, you have a stream.

Or you could selfhost it yourself, too. I gotta make sure the latest code is pushed.

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@l4p1n it's "only" 10:35 and we'd absolutely be staying up quite a bit later if we weren't so fucking exhausted.

@l4p1n we're not quite sleeping just yet, but might sleep soon

@l4p1n *weak croak, relaxes into*

we just got back from going out

we didn't go out to accomplish anything in particular, we just /needed out/

went to the coffee shop, got dinner, came home. and now we are /so done./ and we hurt.

we needed to go out though.

*licks and snugs up against @l4p1n*

for certain values of "morning" anyway
(presumably morning for you, it sure isn't for us)

Unless they just meant "haha wow that sure is a thing that's happening" instead of "You Shouldn't Call Yourself That It's Bad".

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"idk if it's happening elsewhere but on tumblr there are afabs calling themselves transfems. isn't that crazy. i think it's crazy. thanks!"

Who cares? Gender is complicated.

Frost feels like he's got more in common with transmasc critters than cismasc critters.

@BlaiddYote Ohhh that makes more sense. Didn't even know that was a thing, what we've been seeing is more along the lines of furry art ripoffs by other furries.

@BlaiddYote EVERY single act of right-wing transphobia? That...sounds completely unrelated to image generation...

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