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(and the answer to this isn't "well just stop taking words to mean what they mean, Ylf", it's "say what you actually fucking mean, not something subtly but very importantly different".)

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If you don't say what you mean, we assume you mean what you say.

EU vs. US 

Like I'm sure Europe isn't perfect... but most of the countries there don't sound like they're as /blatantly/ horrible?

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Hey what's the easiest country in Europe to move to as someones from the US, that's also decent to live in?

We've been considering Sweden. Our biggest worry is they require you to work your tail off full-time for years to get citizenship (and you need to be working to even get a permit), but I bet every country would...

and we're not sure we can do that. But we don't wanna be stuck here in this steadily worsening hell.

And maybe another EU country would be easier? Sounds like once we're there, we can move around pretty easily, although we might need citizenship in the country we land in before we can do that.

Gun Control, US Politics, Targeted Marginalized people 

Boosted someone who mentioned marginalized people being the first to have their gun rights challenged, and I want y'all to know that at least in Arizona, we're watching it happen to our friends in real
This is a statement from a dear friend, a trans Muslim woman I was previously arrested with at an action we've faced repression for. Shes experiencing this as I post.

subpost, "eliminating gender dysphoria" 

Fuck that.

Gender dysphoria isn't just a thing from gatekeepers, as that post implies.

Species dysphoria exists too and nobody even KNOWS about us.

Cellphone company: "This package features unlimited bandwidth to all social networks!"

Bet you it doesn't~

Wonder if I can get something out of their false advertising :blobcat3c:

silly, riffing on my avatar, celestial object vore 

Kinda hard to howl when you've got a sun stuffed in your mouth.

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The one place we download things from where we're pretty sure the slowness isn't our network's fault.

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I think when people tell me "that's not ironic" without any sort of explanation I'm going to start going "okay so what exactly do you mean by ironic, and how is this not?".

Not that it's ever happened to me, IIRC, I think the time I'm thinking of was Frost.

I bought a dog from a blacksmith last weekend. As soon as I released him in my living room he made a bolt for the door.

Vore, subtoot 

Nothing like having a really full belly and using that to knead and drum on it because it feels so GOOD!

re: programming language subpost 

Like, in embedded environments? Sure, you need every byte you can get. On desktop? Not really.

Sure, don't /waste/ memory willy-nilly, but you don't need to jump through every possible hoop to conserve memory either.

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programming language subpost 

"if you somehow manage to use up 8 GB of memory on a computer, something's very wrong"
okay sure, I'm with you so far
"your problem is perl, you need to use a real language like C", what.

Excuse me.

Manual memory management is not The Only Way. A few kilobytes of memory here and there is not always worth that massive pain.

And that manual memory management you're touting makes it way, /way/ easier to spring memory LEAKS, which are far worse for overall memory usage than whatever Perl does.

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