Metal Gear Solid? What, you think everyone else uses hollow plastic ones or something?

re: moneybeg 

@tillianisafox Oh that helps at least.

Still though, a few days with no food is... not good. (Depends on how much food you happen to have at paw.)

re: moneybeg 

@tillianisafox I mean, not having anything to eat sounds like it qualifies as a bit of an emergency.


hey guys it's not an emergency but I'd be very glad if someone dropped me some money just to have something to eat today

thank youuu

@hyenikin @Patashu Hahahaha OOPS.

All that trouble Ylf went to implementing chunked transfer encoding? (I thought it was me but the git logs say Ylf. Huh.)

We /did not have "chunked_transfer_encoding off" in the config Nginx was using./

We could have avoided all that! :3

Of course, it is nice to have that implemented so you do not need to make server changes to use the software. Setting up the video server is already hard enough.

Not a huge fan of the new nearly-opaque background on the "present windows" effect. We like seeing our desktop. >,,>

Perhaps it would be worth filing a feature request or something for a setting to disable that background color overlay, and simply blur the wallpaper instead.

Argh, . Why can't we use the same SSH key on multiple accounts?

Multiple accounts does not always mean multiple computers; plurality is a thing.

... all we had to do was create that directory (and then run sudo /sbin/ifup eth0), and then it started working.

What the hell.

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"failed to open directory /etc/network/if-pre-up.d: No such file or directory"


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