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vore animation! [mawshot/swallowing the viewer] 

My headmate @IceWolf drew me comin' in to chomp and it's /awesome!/

[art tag spam: ]

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*gets up on stage*
I uh. Woof.
Thank you.
*staggers off the stage and curls up stage right*
*emits loud snores*

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rambling about psychs 

From everything we've seen, psychs' whole goal is to "fix" people by making them "normal".

They don't care if you're fine, if you're different that's a Disorder to be Cured i.e. ripped out of you.

Sure, I'm sure some psychs wouldn't do that for SOME "disorders"
just autistic? you're probably safe
plural? that's /decidedly/ iffier.

but we basically only hear of, say, schizophrenia as a bad thing

now, we don't really know what schizophrenia even /is/
(a lot of what we hear sounds like it's often just plurality?)

but everyone treats it as Inherently Bad, something to be eliminated, even if you're fine with being that way.

(slight tangent, but even if you're not fine with it, if you've got headmates, they deserve a say too.)

*bigwetlicks @Redfuchs* Yo!

Sorry if I left you hanging on the follow request, I haven't logged in here in a while.

But first they must catch you

Yaaaaayy they are here and I'm so pleased with how it looks!! It feels very comfortable and the printing feels quite soft to touch! :D

They are available here:

#watershipdown #rabbit #art #mastoart #maw

I want to share my view of what happened during the #eclipse last #CoatiMonday, and as you can see from my own illustration here --- original at --- I was having a perfectly fine time snagging and running off with the sun and I do not know why everybody else had to make such a big deal of it and get all tense and everything!

Also I'm really happy with how I drew my eyes here. That looks happy.

@Ylfingr ... ever considered a career as a fur stylist?

gratuitous mawposting 

*lays in a sphinx pose and massive yaaaawwnns, long tongue curling and glistening wet, drool strung between enormous fangs~*


Definitely feel like eating a friend right now. Just, nonspecific, want to affectionately consume someone, maybe hold them in my belly for a while. (Nobody in particular.)

(also if you want this, I'm sorry I don't think I have the spoons to actually RP doing it at the moment)

gratuitous mawposting 

*lays in a sphinx pose and massive yaaaawwnns, long tongue curling and glistening wet, drool strung between enormous fangs~*

A few years ago I got these little bone discs and carved them into pendants to sell for the eclipse hype back when I lived in Wyoming.

This pendant depicting a wolf eating the sun never sold, but oh well.

#carving #bone #eclipse #jewelry #furryart #furryartist #pagan

gratuitous mawposting 

*yaaawns wide, long wet tongue stretching out, fangs glinting and dripping slightly...*

@Ylfingr Boromir: "One does not simply vore into Mawdor..."
Some little snack: "Behold me!"

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